2009年2月13日 星期五



到了「Mamma Mia!」電影的這個樂段,是 Sophie 結婚典禮的前夕,這是依照希臘的傳統結婚禮俗所舉辦的單身之夜舞會,一開始所有的女性與會者先開始狂歡,男性朋友們則在舞會中途突然闖入,並在混亂中找尋自己心愛的另一半來共舞。此處用了 ABBA 合唱團的一首經典名曲「Voulez Vous」來演出,這首歌曲的名稱在法文中是「你要還是不要」之意,其歌詞的內容恰好就充份地詮釋了這場派對最高潮的氣氛。

在這個樂段裡,那三位 Donna 的舊情人才突然了解到,原來自己就是 Sophie 的親生父親,這是他們會收到婚禮邀請函的原因,因此紛紛向 Sophie 表明了樂於在隔天婚禮中,以父親的身份陪伴她步上紅地毯的另一端,但是這卻讓小小蘇菲感到十足的困惑,因為這讓她一直希望認識自己的親生父親之願望,陷入了一片迷惘之中,使她完全不知所措,致使到了最後就在舞會之中昏倒在地上。底下就跟各位分享這段經典的片段:

People everywhere
A sense of expectation hanging in the air
Giving out a spark
Across the room your eyes are glowing in the dark
And here we go again, we know the start, we know the end
Masters of the scene
We've done it all before and now we're back to get some more
You know what I mean

Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Take it now or leave it (ah-ha)
Now it's all we get (ah-ha)
Nothing promised, no regrets
Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Ain't no big decision (ah-ha)
You know what to do (ah-ha)
La question c'est voulez-vous

I know what you think
"The girl means business so I'll offer her a drink"
Looking mighty proud
I see you leave your table, pushing through the crowd
I'm really glad you came, you know the rules, you know the game
Master of the scene
We've done it all before and now we're back to get some more
You know what I mean

Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Take it now or leave it (ah-ha)
Now it's all we get (ah-ha)
Nothing promised, no regrets
Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Ain't no big decision (ah-ha)
You know what to do (ah-ha)
La question c'est voulez-vous

And here we go again, we know the start, we know the end
Masters of the scene
We've done it all before and now we're back to get some more
You know what I mean

Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Take it now or leave it (ah-ha)
Now it's all we get (ah-ha)
Nothing promised, no regrets
Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Ain't no big decision (ah-ha)
You know what to do (ah-ha)
La question c'est voulez-vous

Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Take it now or leave it (ah-ha)
Now it's all we get (ah-ha)
Nothing promised, no regrets
Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Ain't no big decision (ah-ha)
You know what to do (ah-ha)
I can still say voulez-vous

Voulez-vous (ah-ha, ah-ha, ah-ha)
Voulez-vous (ah-ha, ah-ha, ah-ha)
Voulez-vous (ah-ha, ah-ha, ah-ha)
Voulez-vous (ah-ha, ah-ha, ah-ha)

Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Take it now or leave it (ah-ha)
Now it's all we get (ah-ha)
Nothing promised, no regrets
Voulez-vous (ah-ha)
Ain't no big decision (ah-ha)
You know what to do (ah-ha)
I can still say voulez-vous


2 則狂熱留言:

jimmylin212 提到...

這首歌好熟悉,沒有想到Mamma Mia 裡面有用到,我看真的要去租DVD來品味一下了!!

Agustín 提到...
