2008年12月28日 星期日



在「Mamma Mia!」電影中的第一個歌舞樂段,就是以 Honey honey 這首輕快而靦腆的情歌將氣氛帶起來,描述著這位二十歲妙齡的小女孩 Sophie 偷拿了母親年輕時的日記,跟另外兩個跟她很要好的姊妹淘 Lisa 和 Ali 一起偷看,並且跟她們分享了她偷偷寄發邀請函的這個秘密。而在同一時間,另一個港口則是兩位因為沒能趕上船班而懊惱的中年男子,四處打探著是否仍有其他船隻要出航,這兩位神祕男子 Sam 和 Harry 就是收到了 Sophie 的邀請函而前來參與婚禮的人,也是三位可能是 Sophie 的親生父親中的其中兩位。在這個樂段中,影片利用了希臘的三大標緻:碧海、藍天、藍白房舍,來襯托出三個青春洋溢的女孩,以及小小 Sophie 對於這三位素未謀面的父親,充滿了滿心的期待與雀躍之情。底下就跟各位分享這段精彩的影片,也順道附上這首歌曲的原文歌詞:

Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey
Honey honey, nearly kills me, ah-hah, honey honey
I'd heard about you before
I wanted to know some more
And now I know what they mean, you're a love machine
Oh, you make me dizzy

Honey honey, let me feel it, ah-hah, honey honey
Honey honey, don't conceal it, ah-hah, honey honey
The way that you kiss goodnight
(The way that you kiss me goodnight)
The way that you hold me tight
(The way that you're holding me tight)
I feel like I wanna sing when you do your thing

I don't wanna hurt you, baby, I don't wanna see you cry
So stay on the ground, girl, you better not get too high
But I'm gonna stick to you, boy, you'll never get rid of me
There's no other place in this world where I rather would be

Honey honey, touch me, baby, ah-hah, honey honey
Honey honey, hold me, baby, ah-hah, honey honey
You look like a movie star
(You look like a movie star)
But I know just who you are
(I know just who you are)
And, honey, to say the least, you're a dog-gone beast

So stay on the ground, girl, you better not get too high
There's no other place in this world where I rather would be

Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey
Honey honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honey
I heard about you before
I wanted to know some more
And now I know what they mean, you're a love machine


4 則狂熱留言:

::: Pinggis's Works ::: 提到...

Honey Honey...這幾個青春無敵的少女歌聲...也難怪 Agustín 大力推荐! (哈! 好萊塢的喜劇 何其多 實在想不出理由)

聽到約2/3 停格不出了...等了許久...是網路塞車嗎?

Agustín 提到...


我有發現在晚間時段 YouTube 的網路頻寬都比較容易被塞爆,或許多等一下就會比較好一以點。

遊騎兵 提到...

老哥 拉丁音樂裡是否有些類似
we are the champions or
eye of tiger 這種振奮人心
的音樂 歹勢我有點過氣

Agustín 提到...

嗨嗨!好久不見呀!遊騎兵兵長大人 ^_^

這兩首歌的確是非常經典的老歌,但那是屬於七、八零年代的美式搖滾音樂,不屬於拉丁音樂的範疇哦! ^_^
